Myotherapy + Massage.
A myotherapist is a remarkable specialist versed in alleviating chronic and acute muscle and joint discomfort. This expert employs diverse techniques such as massage, cupping and needle therapy to address these concerns effectively. By thinking outside the box and delving deep into the root cause, myotherapists tailor individualised plans for every client. They offer valuable recommendations on exercises and lifestyle modifications to mitigate future issues.
Myotherapists work with a diverse range of clients including athletes, individuals with chronic pain conditions, office workers experiencing postural issues, pregnant women with musculoskeletal discomfort, and seniors looking to improve their mobility and overall well-being. They use various manual therapy techniques to assess, treat, and manage soft tissue injuries, Nervous system imbalances, body fatigue and chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Myotherapists often collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide holistic care and optimal outcomes for their clients.
What Is A Myotherapist
What is Dry Needling
Dry needling is a technique used by some practitioners at Vital Health Therapy to treat muscle pain and stiffness. It involves inserting thin needles into trigger points or tight bands of muscles to help release tension and improve blood flow. This can help reduce pain, improve range of motion, and promote faster healing. It is good to break down scar tissue and help switch on or off muscles that are over or under working. It is important to note that dry needling should only be performed by trained and qualified practitioners to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Cupping therapy, a traditional healing method, utilizes cups placed on the skin to generate suction. This suction aids in boosting blood circulation, easing muscle tension, and diminishing inflammation. These cups, crafted from glass, silicone, or bamboo, are applied to the skin by a skilled practitioner who then employs heat or a pump to create the suction. After a brief period, the cups are taken off, having been left on for a number of minutes. This therapy is commonly sought after for its pain-relieving properties, circulation enhancement, and relaxation promotion.
What is Cupping
What Can Myotherapist Treat
*Arthritis * Spinal pain * Back pain * Neck pain + whip lash * Repetitive strain injury * Plantar Fasciitis * Sports Injuries * Heel + foot pain * Achilles Tendonitis * TMJ Jaw Pain Lumbar Strains * Tennis Elbow * Wrist Pain * Knee Pain * Ankle Pain * Sciatica * Tennis Elbow * Headaches * Posture problems
Not only will Myotherapists treat your symptoms for a specific injury, your therapist will provide you with long term health maintenance, and healthcare advice which aims to optimise your quality of life.